To apply follow the steps below
Application Steps
Download, open and complete the application. Save the PDF to your computer’s hard drive.
Email to with the PDF attached.
Important Dates
Application Open (contact
Application Team Composition Requirements
- No fewer than 3 and no more than 5 faculty team members
- Representation from at least 3 professions
- At least one member with institutional responsibility for curricular planning or expertise/experience in interprofessional education
- Team members may come from one institution or multiple institutions in close proximity in order to train learners together
Applicant Team Agreement
All faculty team members must agree to participate fully in the iPEX training program by:
- Completing all pretests and pre-workshop modules
- Providing proof of Responsible Conduct of Research and an Attestation and Disclosure Statement
- Participating in all pre-workshop webinars and team meetings
- Attending the 2.5 day workshop in Chicago
- Participating in post workshop conference calls, webinars and team meetings
- Contributing to the progress reports
- Completing all faculty evaluation components