InterProfessional Education eXchange
Join a National Training Program for Educators in Developing Interprofessional Education for Supportive Care in Oncology.
This Program Targets Faculty Educators of Students and Learners Enrolled in Health Science Training Programs.
Funded by the National Cancer Institute | R25 CA203637
2022-2023 Teams selected–Cohort 4: University of New England, University of St. Francis (Ft. Wayne, IN), University of Kentucky, California State University Monterey Bay, Texas Center for Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease (University of Texas Austin) and Prairie View A&M University (Texas)
THE PROGRAMParticipant Feedback from iPEX Workshop
Most valuable aspect of this workshop
iPEX Overview
To provide training and resources for interprofessional faculty teams which will enable them to create and implement an evidence-based IPE curriculum in oncology education
Interprofessional faculty teams of 3-5 members who want to enhance their knowledge and skills to improve IPE at their institution
- Innovative skills training program including faculty development and institutional analysis
- Evidence-based training, including model curricula
- Webinars, on-line modules and 2.5 day workshop
- Ongoing implementation support/mentorship via an experienced interprofessional faculty team